
 足球吧   2021-04-19 10:40   240 人阅读  0 条评论

[skysports]甚么是快活 星球?甚么又是欧洲超等 联赛?“同有20野俱乐部参赛,个中 包含 15野开创 俱乐部球队和别的 五收球队,那五收球队依据 前一赛季的成就 决议 。”“全部 竞赛 正在周中举行 ,全部 参赛俱乐部皆将持续 加入 原国联赛。”“新赛季从8月份开端 ,俱乐部将分红二个小组,每一组10队,举行 主客场竞赛 ,每一组前三名主动 得到 八强席位。”“得到 第四名战第五名的球队将正在二回开的附带赛中争取 残剩 的八强席位。决赛将正在蒲月 底举行 。”Everything you need to knowWhat's the European Super League?"20 participating clubs with 15 Founder Clubs and a qualifying mechanism for a further five teams to qualify annually based on achievements in the prior season.""Midweek fixtures with all clubs continuing to compete in their respective national leagues.""An August start with clubs participating in two groups of ten, playing home and away fixtures, with the top three in each group automatically qualifying for the quarter finals.""Teams finishing fourth and fifth will compete in a two-legged play-off for the remaining QF positions. A two-leg knockout will be used to reach the final at the end of the May. "

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