
 足球吧   2021-05-01 16:40   91 人阅读  0 条评论

[skysports]说话 ,衔接 天下 的桥梁!利兹联主帅贝我萨正在接收 采访时为本身 没有懂英语而报歉 ,“尔应当 背这些必需 听尔措辞 的人性 丰,由于 尔出教过英语。”“尔正在英超职学生活 中的一年夜 缺陷 便是不克不及 用英语举行 交换 。”“而主锻练 任学时最佳的方法 便是经由过程 说话 去转达 他的疑息。”Marcelo Bielsa says his lack of English is one of his "big deficits", despite the language barrier proving no obstacle to his Leeds side in the Premier League."I owe an apologize to those who have to listen to me, that I haven't learned English.""One of my big deficits through my passage in English football is not to be ABLe to co妹妹unicate in the language that everybody speaks.""One of the bigger tools that a coach has is to transmit his message through his words."-Marcelo Bielsa apologized for his lack of English.

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