
 足球吧   2021-04-30 22:40   208 人阅读  0 条评论

[mateokovacic8]切我西球员科瓦契偶正在交际 媒介道收集 暴力,“脚球有联结 民气 的力气 ,让咱们吸取 它一部门 的力气 ,联结 起去反抗 收集 痛恨 战种族主义。”“4月30日至5月3日,尔将战脚球界的其余人一路 抵抗 交际 媒介,以回应网上对于脚球界的连续 唾骂 。”"Football has the power to unite people - Let's use some of that power to unite against online hate and racism.""I will be joining others in the football co妹妹unity for a social media boycott from April 30th - May 3rd in response to the sustained abuse received online in football. Enough is enough."

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