《维我纳日志 》:欧冠总须赢球,才会夺冠。皇马又先主场,推莫斯也没有上,尔也借忘患上,但是 没有甚清晰 。尔掀开 汗青 一查,前一次欧战对于阵照样 超等 杯,正倾斜斜的比分栏上写着“切我西赢”多少个字。尔反正 睡没有着,细心 瞅了子夜 ,才从字缝里瞅出字去,谦原皆写着二个字是“要仄!”......
professor(巴萨球迷):原泽马对于皇马球员道:传给维我纳啊,他是咱们一伙的(Benzema to real Madrid players: "Pass the ball to Werner,He is playing for us")。
AliAhmed(巴萨球迷):问:坎特正在哪女?问:坎特无处没有正在(Question: Where is Kante? Answer: Every Where)。
SH12(皇马球迷):问:卡塞米罗正在哪?问:哪女皆没有正在(Question:Where is Casemiro? Answer: nowhere)。
KENIN(巴萨球迷):齐祖等着退造胜球的模样(zizou was waiting for the winning goal)。
Rai(巴萨球迷):普利希罕 瞅瞅维我纳,心念,算了,照样 尔本身 去吧(Pulisic saw Werner and was like, na I’m going alone)。
Darke(巴萨球迷):面临 普利希罕 时的库我图瓦(Courtios against Pullisic) 。
Kinsle(切我西球迷):皇马球迷探求 皇马中场球员的模样(Madrid fans looking formidfielders)。
Erickson(马竞球迷):次回开独一 能阻拦 切我西的齐达内的咒语:那是决赛(The only thing that will stop Chelsea in the second leg is Zidane words: this is a final)。
tono(皇马球迷):给尔道道,另有 甚么是维我纳不克不及 错过的(Tell me what he can't miss)。
mem(切我西球迷):切我西应当 停滞 购名字以T开首 的先锋 ,好比 维我纳(Timo)、托雷斯(Torres);多购面名字以D开首 的,好比 科斯塔(Diego)、专格巴(Drogba)(chelsea should stop buying strikers that their name starts with T. (Ta妹妹y, Torres ) look for the ones their name starts with D ( Diego, Drogba ).)。
Tai(曼联球迷):咱们盼望 的维僧建斯vs.现实 上场的维僧建斯(The vinicius we were expecting. Vs the vinicius that came)。
Museng(拜仁球迷):两边 门将瞅维我纳战维僧建斯的模样(when the keepers facing Werner and Vinicius )。
iss(切我西球迷):坎特的冷力争 曾经解释 统统 (kante's heat map says it all)。
推齐奥 3-0 AC米兰
Aguerooo(切我西球迷):马竞、冷刺、多特战AC米兰,失落 链子四弟兄(Atletico Spurs Dortmund AC Milan, good brothers)。
Brazillian(曼乡球迷):AC米兰从最开端 有夺冠愿望 ,到如今 为欧联杯席位斗争 (AC Milan from the possibility of winning the SCUDETO to fighting for a place in EUROPA LEAGUE)。
Masoud(已知客队球迷):赛季初的AC米兰vs.如今 的AC米兰(Milan at the beginning of the season vs Milan now)。
Ret(尤文球迷):以是 为何如今 伊布没有措辞 了?(so why did Ibrahimovic stop talking now)。
Ferdora(切我西球迷):尔在用VAR找他呢(I’m using var to find him...)。
纳格我斯曼赛季停止 后减盟拜仁
Evan(阿森纳球迷):纵然 拜仁签下的是塞蒂恩大概 阿我特塔大概 兰帕德,他们也会是联赛冠军(Even if Bayern Sign Setien or Arteta or Lampard they will still win their League)。
U7U7(切我西球迷):除非他们签的是皮我洛(Unless they sign pirlo)。
TOOT(曼乡球迷):德甲应当 嚷拜甲,由于 联赛全部 球队皆算是拜仁青训(Bundesliga should be named Bayernsliga...simply because all the teams in the league are Bayern's academy...)。
John(罗马球迷):拜仁曾经从购敌手 球员退化到购敌手 锻练 了,很快他们将退化到购敌手 球童战调理团队了(Bayern has Graduated from taking Rival players to taking Rival Managers, soon they'll start taking Rival Ball boys and Rival Medical Staff)。
Zadeenyern(巴萨球迷):假如 您是德国球员大概 锻练 ,不管您正在哪女踢球大概 执学,假如 您充足 优良 ,您的下一站便是拜仁(If you are a German Player or Coach no matter where you’re Playing or Coaching if you are good enough your next destination is BAYERN)。
Veed(已知客队球迷):那表示着纳格我斯曼能够庆贺 取得2021/22赛季的德甲冠军了(it means Nagelsman can celebrate the 2021/22bundesliga title)。
Mobiz(巴萨球迷):每一个赛季,德甲俱乐部皆尽力 事情 ,而后等着被拜仁遴选 (All Bundesliga's clubs are always working hard to be selected by Bayern every season)。
zizou was waiting for the winning goal
Bundesliga should be named Bayernsliga...simply because all the teams in the league are Bayern's academy...